I am waiving my session retainer ($125 value- only travel fee's apply if valid) and you will receive (2)complimentary digi negatives. No purchase nec and you may not exchange the value for another item. One last rule: the session must be completed before Sept 1st, 2009.
Hurry, I am only giving this away to the first TWO people who email me at shannonmariephoto AT yahoo.com See, there is a very good reason my clients sign up for automatic Blog updates (the upper right hand side). You might have just missed this opportunity b/c you are not a Blog subscriber...
ALSO, if you know of someone who if pregnant and expecting in June through September I am offering an incrediable deal for my new *de luxe Baby* sessions. Send them over to www.shannonmariephotography.com under current promotions to see the rules. The person who refers the new client to me will receive a $50 voucher to use for their next session with me! ** (Addendum... To receive the $50 referral voucher, the new client must complete the session.)(no cash value)
Enjoy! S.M.